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Based on the movie Home Alone Sweetie Belle got left behind and when two bandits come by she needs to defend her house from them.

This was requested by Roxas2017

Chapters (5)

Spike dreamed about finding his soulmate for a long while. But when Scootaloo was crushing on him at the wedding he might get his lover.

This story is requested by ChazMLPFIM.

And the art I credit to LifesHarbinger. Great job!

Chapters (1)

For hundreds of years, the White Dragon has appeared throughout history. Sometimes, he's a great hero that protects the weak. Other times, he's a dastardly villain who cares only for himself. Nobody knows who he is or where he comes from, but one thing is clear. He has a great power within him.

But in recent years, the White Dragon has not been seen. Many believe he finally died, whilst others believe he is waiting for the right moment to show himself to the world.

Flash Sentry is just a normal kid, surrounded by very un-normal people. And whilst he wishes he could help those in need, he lacks the power to do it. Until now. Whilst attending a job interview, young Flash finds himself thrust into a world of adventure he never thought possible. He must learn to control these new powers and work with his new partner, or the world may end up doomed.

Chapters (6)

In this action-packed storyline, the ​Power Rangers face the powerful sorceress ​Rita Repulsa, who has unleashed chaos and destruction upon ​Angel Grove. ​Tommy, the ​Green Ranger, valiantly protects his team and experiences a devastating blow when he gets hit by one of Rita's spells. However, ​Kimberly, the ​Pink Ranger, retaliates and damages Rita's source of power. The Rangers, now mourning the loss of Tommy, unite and prepare to continue their mission.

In a surprising twist, Tommy wakes up in a foreign land inhabited by talking dragons. Seeking answers about his whereabouts and the absence of communication with his fellow Rangers. Tommy, determined to find answers, sets off towards his next destination.

9/6/23 12:30pm

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Pony Guard (Season 4)

After Scar's defeat, peace has returned to the Pride Lands and Equestria, and with the new magical map discovered inside the new castle of the new Prince and Princess of Friendship. A map that leads to them solving new friendship lessons all across Equestria while also dealing with trying to restore order in the Pride Landers returning to their homes.

At the same time while Kion is still adjusting to becoming half alicorn, master his new abilities, and step up to being the Lion Guard's Fiercest and the Prince of Friendship, Twilight, the Pony Guard's Fiercest is still struggling with her mental scars as the former Princess of Darkness and the following consequences of her past actions. All while Starlight Glimmer rises to the occasion seeking to continue the war Scar started by recruiting his followers to ensure the peace never thrives.

Can the peace be maintained or the Pride Lands and Equestria succumb to chaos once again?

Find out as the Lion and Pony Guard continue their duty to protect the Pride Lands and Equestria and spread the Magic of Friendship everywhere they go.

Chapters (42)

After having been found by the Prince, Cinderella is on her way to the palace for her wedding. On the way, however, she sees somebody, and decides to act out of the kindness of her heart.

Requested by Chazkopa: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/288987/chazkopa

Cover art is by fude-chan-art: https://www.deviantart.com/fude-chan-art

Chapters (1)

It has been four years since Toby Mason arrived in Equestria & became a member of the Equestrian family of the Royal Sisters, Elements of Harmony, Cutie Mark Crusaders, & the whole land. Living with his adoptive mother Fluttershy & father, Big Mac, Toby has been apart of some great, fun, yet also dangerous adventures. He has faced the enemies of the Elements of Harmony such as Queen Chrysalis, the Diamond Dogs, but through it all, he has survived with courage, but most importantly with his family by his side.

However, a new enemy has awoken to face Toby, an enemy that the Elements of Harmony thought was gone forever, King Sombra. However, he has returned with some help with Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, & the Diamond Dogs. Now, it is time for Toby to once again join his family in battling the forces of evil, but this time for four years, there has been a secret hidden from Toby, hidden by Princess Luna. What is the secret & will Toby & his family overcome this new, powerful threat of King Sombra?

(Artwork done by Shutterguy)

Chapters (3)

This is the story of a man named, Levi. A man who would quickly find out what it's like to take on the responsibility of taking care of a pony.


I know it's been a long time since I posted anything, and me doing this is probably confusing. I'm trying to get back into the basics of my story writing. And I thought the best way to do that was by going back to the beginning where it all started for me. To make things clear, this story is a re-write.

Chapters (4)

After the defeat of Kid Buu, the world can be at peace, but a certain Half-Saiyan starts to feel rather inadequate as he thinks of everything his idols have achieved. As a result, Goten starts to think he isn't living up to his potential.

Then, a long gone Saiyan suddenly appears offering him the chance to be a hero in Equestria. What does Goten do? naturally, he runs into the portal where the Saiyan stands. Now, he must come to understand what it means to be a true hero, or he will fail everyone.

(Note: Unless I state otherwise, all episodes that are not written into chapters happened with minimal or no interference from Goten. He's still there just in a minor role that would make writing out the chapter a useless endeavor.

Episodes which serve a purpose to the plot, Goten's development, and/or help him bond with other characters will be the chapters I write. This is all in an effort to ensure this story comes to an end some day.)

Chapters (22)

New cover-art by Majestickfire9.

Oh My God, I LOVE IT!

My day was going great at first. Work was over for the week and I was leaving with a few mates to go hang in the city before heading home.

My plans kinda got detrailed though, when I melted into one of the walls and found myself in the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters from MLP. On top of that, I've, for whatever reason, turned into an anthropomorphic filly Alicorn.

Just what the hell is going on and how can I go home as a half pony?

In Popular Stories 9-14/8/2015. :yay:

Chapters (7)